Friday, March 13, 2009

Highschool stereotypes

In high school we all fit into one click or another, whether it was a jock, nerd, band geek, emo, snob, cheerleader, gangster, or any others.

Jocks and cheerleaders, like in most schools, ruled the campus because of their Letterman jackets and nice, toned bodies. However these Jocks were also stereotypes as being "dumb as rocks". I know that in most high schools students believed that Jocks only passed their classes because they were athletes, so the teachers gave them the passing grade they needed. The stereotypical "meat head" jocks and the blonde haired, blue eyed "barbie type" cheerleaders will always live on because it has been the stereotype for a long time.

Another stereotypical click in high schools are the nerds/geeks. These are the students who are all A's students, are members of National Honor Society, run for class president, and join extra curricular clubs like Chess to put on their college resumes. These are the students who did not go to dances and if they were males, never got dates. However these aren't true either. These are just hard working students who want to get into the college of their dreams, so they work hard to achieve their goals in life. Unlike athletes who have talent in specific sports, these students have talents in writing, math, or science, which makes them who they are, which is not nerds or geeks.
Although students are labeled as a specific stereotype in high school, and even college, does not mean they will not do great things when they start their careers. So people should not let who they were/are in high school define them. Beat the stereotypes. Be who you want to be.

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